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Sunday 6 January 2019

Machines Don't Have the Bodies - (2792)


Take any robot and it is easy to see that it has an inorganic physical body and it has a kind of inorganic vital body as well. So its inorganic physical body are all the nuts and bolts, motors, metal members, gears, actuators, cables etc. etc. Its vital body is the electrical current running through the motors, microprocessors etc. that control it and make it move.

As Master Samael says that is all that is needed to have a physical life. A physical a vital body and the flame of life to animate it (essence). So for a robot to have a presence in physical life it needs a material casing plus energy, whether that energy be sourced in the form of electricity or combustion.

Master Samael said that in Atlantis they created living robots where they infused the elementals of nature into machines. Then these machines were made into soldiers that fought wars against other living robots. We are not too far away from those Atlantean living robots...

No Feeling Nor Mind Nor Will

A Robot does not have individual feeling, nor mind nor will. However, it does have something of feeling, mind and will. It the case of the robot, feeling, mind and will are all borrowed. That is ,borrowed from the engineers and technicians that fabricated it and those who use and demand it. The feeling, mind and will are in its programming...

The mind, a robot has is the logic within the firmware programmed into its microprocessors, and it is the will of the people who buy the robots that dictate what logic the robot is programmed with. As for feeling, of course the robot lacks it, it is rather magnetized with the emotions of those who own it and those who made it. So that it still does not possess real emotion, that is its real individual emotion.

That is why in Gnosis the humanoid is also called a robot, becasue it does not have individual feeling, mind or will. Instead the mind, feeling and will are in its programming, which are its "I's", its karma and nature.

Master Samael says we have the manasiac substance which is what we have of mind. But that is a gift, we still have not made our own mind, which we do when we fabricate a mental body.


As Master Samael says we stop becoming robots when we create the bodies. Because when we crate the bodies we create for ourselves individual feeling, mind and will. Through the bodies the Being within us can express its true sacred individual feeling, mind and will.

The envoy of the being within us is our essence and it is through our essence that we have the potential to not be robots. If we lose our essence, the possibility to not be robots is gone.

End (2792).

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