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Monday 21 January 2019

Knock Knock Who's There? Test of Justice - (2837)

That Test

There the test of justice that is placed before us before starting the major mysteries or at some point soon after having started.

One of the purposes of this test is to take from under us any kind of base that we may still have within us.


Depending on the karma we have this test can be rather painful and used in some way to cancel karmic debts.

Typical Scenario

Master Samael says that typically the scenario for this test is that the very same Gnostic people accuse us unfairly of having done something wrong that we haven't quite done. In short the Gnostic people do some seemingly unfair things to us.

However, it does not have to happen that way. It has to happen in a way that it will produce the result of motivating us to remove our bases from everything external. It could be done in a very quite, private way over a number of months even...

Last Frontier of Bases and Dependencies

This particular feature of the Gnostic people wrongly accusing us is necessary to remove the last kind of dependency that we could still have.

As part of the nine minor initiations we learn to remove many external bases residing in our personality and transfer our point of reference to our essence, the work and our inner Being. However we may still have certain dependencies in the Gnostic people, in the Gnostic group and in Gnostic missionaries or instructors. So we have to be bitterly disappointed in the latter things to help us remove our bases in them.

A very good way to be struck hard enough to be motivated to remove our bases from the Gnostic people, and Gnostic instructors is to be betrayed or accused unfairly. Nothing hurts more than something that is grossly unfair.

Once our bases have been taken out of all external things we remain as a relatively individual kind of unit that is free enough to do the path of their own inner Being.

Be ready for this test. A very tough one, but it gives you a very delightful reward.

End (2837).

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