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Wednesday 2 January 2019

The Mystery of the Pyramid - (2782)


The pyramids of Egypt and Mexico are usually associated with mystery and esotericism. It is so common to see a pyramid on a flyer that tries to inspire the public's interest in things esoteric.

Even today the pyramids still remain a mystery - as to why and how they were built, and it is this mystery that awakens hope in people.

This post is a collection of a few things that Gnosis and esotericism has to say about pyramids. 

It is commonly thought that the pyramids are only tombs. Esotericism says that the pyramids are much much more than that. In fact for example in the Great Pyramid, no mummy has ever been found, nor does any record of a mummy having been found exist.

This post brings out a little bit about what esotericism has to say about why the pyramids were built and their function.

The pyramid is actually a universal archetype... 

The Great Pyramid of Giza or the Pyramid of Cheops

Getting Acquainted - Physical and Historical Data

Conventional history says that roughly 4500 years ago the pharaoh Khufu (4th Dynasty) ordered the construction of the Great Pyramid. Khufu is also known by the Hellenised (Greek) name of Cheops, thus at times the Great Pyramid of Giza is called the Pyramid of Cheops.

For many years it was the tallest man made structure on the Earth. It is the largest of all the world's  pyramids, standing originally at 481 feet tall but now due to erosion, it stands at 455 feet.

It is also the last surviving wonder of the seven wonders of the Ancient world.

Giza is located close to Cairo, in fact a little to the south and on the west bank of the Nile, while Cairo is on the East bank. It is on the same site as the Sphinx.

It is estimated to contain roughly 2.3 million stones with each stone weighing 2.5 tonnes giving it an approximate weight of 6.5 million tonnes.

The Great Pyramid has three chambers known as the underground chamber, the queen's Chamber and the King's Chamber.

Now that we are lightly acquainted with the Great Pyramid lets have a look at the esotericism of the pyramids using the Great Pyramid as a reference.

The Great Pyramid behind the Sphinx

Inside the Great Pyramid - the Three Chambers

Word: "Pyramid"

Many lectures begin by describing the origins of a name or word central to the lecture's topic. This is often (not always) becasue the origin of a name or word reveals something interesting or unknown about its function or its nature.

The word 'pyramid' comes from the Greek words pyramis and pyramidos. The word pyramidos can be translated to mean "fire in the middle".

The beginning three letters of  "pyr" comes from come from Greek word "pyro" meaning fire. Perhaps the reference to fire reminds us of the Great fire of life, which is the energy that burns in each living creature - the energy of life which is to be found in their essence.

Another source that the indigenous people to Egypt - the Khemitians, used the word "Per-Neter" to refer to the pyramids. "Per-Neter" means "house of nature" or house of energy".

When we observe a flame burning on a candle, we can see that it always reaches upwards to the vertical, with a wide base and a thinner top. Fire always tends to take shape of a triangle or a pyramid and even the universal symbol for fire is the upward pointing triangle.

Straight away we can see that there is not much of a reference to a pyramid being a tomb. But rather as Maser Samael says a building built for transcendental purposes, when he spoke about the pyramids in Mexico.

Esoteric literature alludes to it as being a representation of the "High Place of God". As God also dwells within each human being, a pyramid can also be said to represent the human being in sense of the meeting place between the Divine and the Human.  

Manly P. Hall describes the Great Pyramid as being an emblem for the joining of the macrocosmos and the microcosmos. That is where the God within meets the God without. 

Square Base - Four Sides - Law of Four

All the pyramids have a square base. Observe the pyramids of Egypt and Mexico and the numerous other pyramids in Sudan, they all have a square base. This is very indicative as the square with four sides represents the Law of Four which always has as its salient principle that of founding, establishing, stabilising and sustaining.

The Law of Four is what constitutes, as in the four seasons make up a year, the four kingdoms which constitute the whole of nature, the four colours of the Alchemy which constitute the whole Alchemical process, the four elements (earth, water, air and fire) which constitute nature and finally the source of creation and life is the Holy Tetragrammaton (The Absolute plus the Three Primary Forces).  

If we take a pyramid to be the "High Place of God" the square base indicates to us that wisdom is founded on the laws of nature. As master Samael says: "the truth is never far from nature".

In the Great Pyramid, the four sides of the base face the four cardinal points. Which represents directly the four elements. Earth to the East, Water to the West, Fire to the South and Air to the North.

It has also been said that in a pyramid's capacity to represent man, the four sides of the base are the four limbs of the human being. The earth (East) and water (West) being the left and right legs respectively and the North and South being the two arms: right and left respectively.

Eliphas Levi also wrote that the four sides represent duality, in that the North and South represent the extremes of cold and hot and the East and West sides represent day and night.

We know that the number of the human being is five, as a human being is a five pointed star and so is a pyramid, it has five points. The four points of the base are the four limbs and the apex is the brain which is also the secret fifth element of nature - ether.


The square base also reminds us of the four qualities needed for the path which is the hidden message portrayed in the Sphinx.

We know that the Sphynx is made up of four distinct parts of four distinct creatures, namely the paws of a lion, the face of a man, the hindquarters of a bull and the wings of an eagle. 

The paws of the lion represent fire, the human face - water, the hindquarters - earth and the wings - air. Master Samael says there are four virtues needed to obtain the self-realisation which are the courage of the lion, the intelligence (intelligence is needed to be adaptable like water) of the human being, the tenacity of the bull and the wings of the spirit.

The Sphinx is situated before the Great Pyramid and in some instances it has been said that the Sphinx was an entrance point to secret underground channels that lead into the pyramid. This has some sound reason behind it as the four qualities of the Sphinx must be developed first be able to tread the path of initiation which is the represented by the pyramid.

Master Samael said that he initiations of Ancient Egypt were conferred in the pyramids, as a pyramid is also a womb of the mysteries and the place where one climbs towards God.

12 Lines

If we are to examine the base of a pyramid we will see that from the four lines of the base a triangle is formed. Four triangles are formed in total and as each triangle has three sides, there is a total of 12 sides representing the twelve signs of the Zodiac.

Three Chambers

The Great pyramids has three chambers which reminds of the three circles. The exoteric, the mesoteric and the esoteric. They also remind us of the three brains.

It has also been mentioned in Esoteric teachings that a pyramid is a kind of inverted tree. Where the roots are the apex of the pyramid and the base of the pyramid are the branches. The roots are those which draw nutrients from the ground into the trunk and branches, nourishing the tree. In the case of the pyramid the apex is the one which attracts the forces and powers from above and distributes them into the layers and structures lying below the apex.


Currently the capstone is not present on the Great Pyramid. Some temples of the past were left incomplete to leave us with the message that only God is complete and perfect. This may be the case with the capstone of the Great Pyramid, but it well may not be.

The capstone is really a pyramid in miniature, which is placed on the top of the pyramid and makes it complete. Yet a much smaller capstone can also be placed on the first capstone, and so on and so on, making the pyramid more and more complete

Philosophically we can understand a capstone as being the summit of a structure. Within the human being the capstone of the body is the mind, and the capstone of the mind is the soul and the capstone of the soul is the spirit. In each case the capstone rests above and from above nourishes and rules that which is below.

The capstone is really the Sephirotic crown (Three Primary Forces) and it is what we have to establish within ourselves that rests on the top of our structure and radiates downwards all that it captures from above from the cosmos.

The capstone teaches that the realisation of a human being occurs in degrees and degrees and is an ongoing process and is subtler and subtler.

Likening to Man

A pyramid can be likened to man. We have seen before how the four sides of the base are the four limbs of the human being and the five points are the five powers of the human being, the five senses, the five centres etc. The human being is five pointed star.

Within the pyramid is where one rises to new heights within oneself to finally become the living capstone. 

Womb of the Mysteries

Esoteric teachings say that a pyramid especially those of Egypt were places where the initiations were conferred. So then within the pyramids the initiations and therefore the mysteries were known. That is one was born into the mysteries within the pyramids. Making a pyramid the womb of the mysteries.

Master Samael said that the initiations where conferred in the pyramids and the name of the Being of the initiate was also pronounced within the pyramids. Which is very significant as the name of the Being is a key note sound that makes the pyramid of man totally resonate.  

Kings Chamber

There in the King's chamber is a coffer made of solid granite. It is said that there is a strange coldness in the King's chamber that cuts to the bone. It has been said that in the coffer of the King's chamber one learns the mysteries of life and death. That is about the mystery of the abyss and the transmigration of souls.

It was recorded down in history that Napoleon Bonaparte and a team of historians, surveyors, scientists and mathematicians journeyed to the Great Pyramid where they took numerous measurements and published their findings in several journals. Napoleon asked to be alone in the King's chamber and when he emerged it is said that he was very disturbed and dizzy and he never spoke of what he experienced there to anyone. He was asked on his death bed what he experienced in the Kings chamber but he never spoke about it when asked either. 

Well all that we can say is that we know from Maser Samael that Napoleon was a fallen bodhisattwa and obviously he had a recurrence with the mysteries in Egypt.

End (2782).


  1. Air is east and Earth is North.

    1. Yes that is typically true. But in the case of the Great Pyramid it is different. Not sure how to reconcile that.
