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Wednesday 2 January 2019

You are So Proud No One Can Tell You Anything! - (2784)

Heard that Before?

When our pride is very big, that ego makes us think (and we believe it), that we are right in everything and that what we do, think and the way we are is the best!

We have to question that! Is that really true? It can't be right! We can't be the best and what we think and do can't always be the best! To believe that means that we think we are perfect or are God! How absurd! Mortal we are and full of error!

Plus the bigger the ego of pride the more sensitive we are! We don't appear to be sensitive or weak becasue it is covered up by an intelligent, sly, strategic or forceful defensive resistance or just plain silence (with no real change).

With pride we don't look to change for the better, we look to stay basically the way we are, and pride is so happy when others release the pressure on us, pushing us to change the way we are.

For real change in our life and the for the development of our own essence we have to leave that absurd pride behind. Believing in that pride shows that we are very asleep even if we can go into the astral consciously.

End (2784).

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