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Sunday 24 February 2019

An Esotericist Knows Several Languages - (2904)

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An Esotericist is a Polyglot

In truth, a real esotericist speaks several languages. The esotericists of the past knew Sanskrit, ancient Greek, Latin etc. But besides that the esotericist learns to move within the language of symbols, the language of the consciousness, the language of each centre and of course the sacred or universal language. So really an esotericist is a kind of polyglot but in a unconventional sense.

Personality Thinks No More Languages

The personality rejects vehemently learning another language. It self-protects by thinking that I don't need it and it we don't foreign people and cultures here and I don't like it. For sure each country needs a little bit of that kind of person to protect the interests of the country in some regards blah blah, but for an esotericist that is not really the right way of thinking. Learning another language makes you more universal, it enriches one's knowledge and expands one's awareness. It actually makes one more useful and insightful rather. 

The personality feels threatened because learning another language means a kind of dilution and loss of its particular characteristics to take on board new ones. 


So in conclusion don't be afraid of another language, if one is the personality is surely a factor in feeling that fear or resistance.

End (2904).

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