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Monday 11 February 2019

Desires are Projected - (2873)

We usually think that desires attack us from somewhere deep and strange from within us. From our instinctive centre, from our hormones, from our stomach, from our motor centre, from our sexual centre etc. That is how it seems but it isn't really all that way at all...

It is that in many cases our desires are projected...

We project from our mind (subconscious): 'that we need', 'that we have to have', we even project the 'desire emotion'. Desire then is a mental form, an emotion that is set up by the mental form to produce in us the feeling of desiring...

We project from our mind a mental form that cries out: "I am needy", "I need this please", "I can not do without" etc. Imagine if we did not entertain those projections?

Imagine that we said to ourselves: "This desire is a projected setup in me, it is not so much a reality. I can do without that. My mind is making me believe that I need that. The essence is me is very different it does not do that - creating desire." If we did the latter we would see our desires very differently and a way to transform them would open up in us.

End (2873).

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