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Monday 4 February 2019

Gnostic View on Hormones - (2855)


Here is the result (notes) of what I have been studying up lately.

Endocrine Glands and Hormones

Our body has within it a system of mini organs or glands whose function is to secrete special substances called hormones into our blood stream. 

These glands by means of the secretion of hormones into our blood stream monitor and regulate various important body functions. Such as digestion, reproduction, sleep, heart rate etc. etc.

It though so turns out that the major organs and systems in our body actually have cosmic origins or are rather expressions of a cosmic design, and are in place in our body by virtue of esoteric principles.

Master Samael said that the word Hormone, is of Greek origin and means the "enthusiasm of being" or the "force of being". Meaning that when the word hormone was used to name those chemical secretions of the endocrine glands it was thought that these chemicals had an influence on determining our functions here in creation, and indeed they do, but to a certain extent.

In fact they as you will see are actually agents through which we are linked to the principles and harmonies of the cosmos. 

Old Scientific View

In the late 1920's people had the view that human beings were their chemistry and that people are their hormones. They thought this because they believed that they could account for all human behaviour by means of the balance of the hormones in the body.

This belief has changed somewhat, and it is certainly not the correct view nor is it the truth of what determines our behaviour. They have an influence certainly.

To take this view is to void human beings of responsibility of their own actions and psychological processes. In other words, it kills the psychological and esoteric work.

Link Between Hormones and Criminal Behaviour

Here below is an extract from a book ("Aroused" by Andi Hutter Epstein) on hormones that describes a study that was done linking the endocrine glands and hormones to criminal behaviour.

"In 1928, Berman began a three-year investigation of 250 juvenile delinquents and criminals in Sing-Sing prison in Ossining, New York. He drew blood, measured metabolic rate, and X-rayed various parts of their bodies. Comparing his results to a group of healthy controls taken from among the ordinary population, Berman concluded that criminals have more than three times as many endocrine disturbances as law-abiding citizens. Murderers, he said, had too much thymus and adrenal hormones and not enough parathyroid hormones. Rapists: too much thyroid and sex hormones, not enough pituitary. Muggers and beaters: low on gonads (ovaries or testicles), high in adrenal. He did the same for those convicted of fraud and arson, putting each group of criminals into a tidy box with their own unique chemically disturbed makeup. He presented his findings in a talk at the New York Academy of Medicine in 1931 and published the results in the American Journal of Psychiatry."

Origin of Hormones

Master Samael says that when the tattwas which are certain special vibrations of the Ether (or in other words determined energies travelling through the ether), make contact with our chakras in our etheric body those energies are taken in by our chakras and are transformed into hormones.

Behind each chakra is a physical endocrine gland. Therefore Master Samael says that the tattwas or etheric energies stimulate the endocrine glands to produce hormones.

It is worth noting that these tattwas correspond to the five elements that make up our body. We have fire, earth, water and air as the fundamental elements making up our body, and the chakras of our body attract specific tattwas based on the element that they correspond more with. For example the chakra of the solar plexus corresponds more with the tattwa of fire and that is where the fire element in our body is most concentrated.

Mantras for the Chakras

In the "El Quinto Evangelio" Master Samael says hat to vocalize the mantras for the chakras is to cause the chakras to spin into activity and that causes them to stimulate the endocrine glands and thus produce more hormones that enriches the blood and stimulates the production of new cells and the renovation of organ tissue.

So chanting the mantra to activate the chakras has very physical benefits.

Most Important Endocrine Glands - Testes and Ovaries

Master Samael once again in synthesis says that the most important endocrine glands are the sexual glands which are the testes and the ovaries. I love how he does that he filters very complicated areas of study down into the most essential for us to know, so that we can get going straight away and not waste any more time.

The Hypothalamus where the Human Soul Sits
He says that when we transmute, taking the example of a man, the seminal entity is broken down into hormones and energy. These hormones in the sexual energy, which he calls sexual hormones enter our blood stream and from there stimulate all of the endocrine glands to release more hormones to renovate, renew and build new tissues and revitalise certain body functions. He says that is how a biological revolution is effected within us through the transmutation.

He gives the example of how an elderly person regains some of his or her lost youth when they fall in love.This looking and feeling young again comes from the action of new hormones being produced and released into the blood stream.

He says that there is really transmutation happening in the endocrine system when we transmute our sexual energy. He says that the endocrine glands absorb the newly released sexual hormones and then they secrete new hormones and he says that this receive and give back is really transmutation. Because there was a transformation of substances taking place.


I would say that to see the subject of hormones on this esoteric level is to get the right perspective to see hormones as controlling our behaviour is is an erred extreme. Because it voids the human being of any responsibility for his or her actions and psychology and it negates the essence, the Being and the Divine Law.  

With the three factors and the esoteric work we can balance our hormone levels and create new ones that will revolutionize our biology and make things within our body work even better than before.

End (2855).

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