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Wednesday 6 February 2019

Injustice Resolve - (2862)


Our biggest problem erupts within us when we can not resolve injustice. Whether it just be an unfair comment or something graver with more at stake.

Our mind and ego looks for a solution, for a way to compensate the unfairness.

Justice is Relative

There is of course the objective justice. But among humans we have a relative justice. And it is precisely this which causes us all the problems.

We see justice or fairness from our point of view. Or rather from the mental position that we are taking in that moment.

It happens so often in our psychology that we are involved in an incident and we feel ok. But later on thinking about it we feel all of a sudden rather hurt. This is because one “I” which has its identity and therefore its own particular mental position sees the event and feels correspondingly that it was unfair and feels hurt, and during the event that “I” was not present and so we felt ok.

The mental position is very much linked to the identity that the “I” takes such as a friend, mother, husband, a nice person, a friendly person, humble person, peace maker, well-liked person, disliked person, hard working person, poor person, weak person, suffering person, etc. etc.


So then, the solution to unfair situations is to unravel our mental position or at least loosen it. Which would mean see it from a different point of view.

Understanding this is very important! It actually makes a very big difference.

We can dissolve our mental position or identity easily by remembering that we are an essence. Then once we are the essence things look very differently. Perhaps what seemed so unjust and unfair is understandable as we leave our position and see the other's position and that what was done came out of their identity and corresponding mental position.

End (2862).

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