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Monday 11 February 2019

Mind Kills the Real - (2871)

This happens so often within us: that our mind takes us out of the now, out of the living and real experience of life. 

The mind tends to bring to us always what has passed. Any image is always the past. If we think of a person, we use a memory which is not how the person is right now this instant.

Often we think about ourselves in third person, we use "he" or "she" when thinking about ourselves in our mental scenarios involving others. That is, we use an image of ourselves but we are here alive and we are found right here and now as a living experience not as a mental image that is dead.

If we always look for the real, that which is living right now, we start to annul the mind and stop it from killing the real and the living within us. This makes our brain to revive and shine brighter with the life and vitality that is living in the moment right now.

End (2871).

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