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Sunday 17 February 2019

Past Lives Implications - (2882)


The teaching of successive lives has very impactful implications to our psychology and therefore our lives.

Internalisation of the Teaching

We have to make contact with the teachings. We do that by bringing them inside of ourselves. By taking it to our mind and asking ourselves: , "how does it impact me?", "what does it really imply?". Then taking it to our heart and asking: "what does it really mean to me?".

We must make contact with the teachings through our interior. Through the inner side of ourselves and through only our intellect in an a study external to ourselves. First to the centres to cause our consciousness to activate.



Past lives means we have died before, and so we have already passed through what seems to be the most difficult thing that we have to face in life. The more we go through things the easier they become right?

We should be getting good at death by now shouldn't we? Given the number of times we have already died right? How many times have we seen others die already?

We don't remember our deaths but something from each time we die remains within us, and the force of this experience then enters into action. So you are more prepared right now than you think.

So if we really internalise this we understand that death is not a such bigger worry that we make it to be in our ignorance. It is a worry but not as bad we make it to be in our mind.

Past is Alive Now

We are the way we are because of the past. Our past holds the key to why we are now. Also the past holds the key to where we are going. Why? Because our internal Being through the past has prepared the future. This implies that our realisation has has been a process in the making and the signs that we are going to approach it can be found in our past lives. 

Failed at Some Point

Because we are here right now in the series of successive lives because something was incomplete or something went wrong.

The past holds the key to why we failed and with that key we can avoid the same mistake. Because without knowledge of the past we repeat...

The Weird Egos Others Have

We make the egos and the way the egos of others are as something personal against us. But the truth is that the ego comes from the past, from a previous life and so it was the conditions and circumstances of that life that set up the ego in the other person to be that way that it is. It has nothing really to do with ourselves.

Gives Meaning

We have successive lives because of the ego. No ego then no more successive lives and no more past lives. So the egos that we have are really the stores of wisdom that we need to extract so as to get the maximum learning from all of our past lives. When we dissolve the ego we actually get all the learning from our past lives, we recapitulate all of the wisdom our lives since the last fall. And this wisdom stays within our Monad.

Touches the Cosmic

When we see that we have had many lives we start to see that we are not really human or terrestrial, but rather that we are cosmic and that we have as our home eternity. That is where we come from. We are travellers we are not home yet. Each body is a hotel that we stay in for a certain time.

Less Materialistic

When we really see that we had past lives we see understand the impermanence of everything, that is really where the Buddhists take their force from in their understanding of impermanence. From the teaching or the fact that we have several past lives, we see that all that we have here physically we will leave behind and we will continue our travels elsewhere. We will also stop thinking that we have one life and that when we die we are going to cease to exist. This is a pure materialistic way of seeing life, and people that see life this way are totally materialistic.  

End (2882).

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