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Thursday 14 February 2019

Past Lives - Post 3 of 4 - (2880)

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Things in this Life that Link Us to Our Past

There are certainly practices to discover aspects of our past lives. Master Samael left us with a few. There are three main ones:

1.) The magic mirror and the mantra OM-HUM
2.) The Damsel of Remembrance and the mantra LA-RA
3.) A retrospection of this current life while drowsy making the leap into the previous life.

Besides these three main practices there are some other avenues through which we can get some hints about our past lives.

Main Point

The main point here is that in this life we basically surround ourselves or gravitate to what we enjoyed, were comfortable with or were happy with in our previous lives.

In other words in this life we will have the tendency to seek out the familiar, comfortable things of the past.


If we observe the things we have at home we can find symbols and clues which point to our past lives. Some of those things of course are basically symbolic of our achievements or endevours of our past lives.


Believe it or not, the clothes that we would really like to wear and we actually can wear and even the clothes that perhaps we can not wear at this point in time and space give us clues. For example in Australia no one wears a three piece suit becasue it is way too formal for the generally informal culture and plus it is too hot. Clothes tell us a lot about past social status, geographical locations and time or eras.


Another clue lies in jewelry. As jewelry is something that is particular to place and time and it is something rather personal and it is usually something that we become very familiar with, so it gets engraved into our memory.

So what items of jewelry are you attracted to? If you ever have a dream about a certain peice of jewelry that will provide you with some clues abut time and place of our past life.

Favourite Places

Totally all past life related. Essentially we have places that resonate with our heart becasue in past lives we spent, much time there and came to grow to love that place and spent many happy timeless moments there.

Once again, make a list of those places that really stand out in a special way for you. Even if you have not ever been there in this life yet. Certainly this list would give you some strong clues about your past lives from a geographical point of view.

Often deja vu moments occur when we visit those places. Once again it is very good to take a journal of our deja vu moments.


What are our feelings regarding historical eras? What is our favourite historical era and what era do we dislike? Are there any causes that you feel very strongly about?

Talents and Abilities

What comes natural to us many times is that way becasue we have spent lives cultivating and practicing those abilities and talents.

It is good to make a list of those things that come naturally to us. As well as all those subjects that we understand so effortlessly and naturally and are so familiar to us. This can include certain subjects and languages.


We have the past living with us here and now. From observing ourselves and consulting ourselves here and now we can learn already a lot about our past lives. We must then complement it with experience, which will reveal to us even more plus impart much needed comprehension. 

If we did do such a study of ourselves here and now using the points outlined in this post we prepare the way or the ground for the opening up of past life experiences and memories.

Master Samael gave a terrific formula that states: conscious faith equal study plus experience. So we need to study and prepare ourselves for the consciousness to arrive.

Basically we know all of these things, however we never really do a conscious study of them.

End (2880).

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