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Thursday 21 February 2019

Transmute and Balance as Major Labours in Life - (2897)

Reading Time: 1 minute ⏲

Major Virtue and Defect

M.m.m says that our major virtue and defect come from high up within our Being, like from the top of the Tree of Life. He says that our major defect is our P.P.P and therefore our major virtue is the opposite of that.

The P.P.P of many people is pride and so the major virtue is balance, majesty and dignity.

So then the major thing to do in life would be to also exercise the major virtue which is essentially in the case of pride - balance. We would always need to balance our force, our energy, our patience, pour emotion, our words, our will, our mind, our love, our enthusiasms, our sexuality, etc. etc.

Another major defect is lust and so the major virtue behind lust would be to transmute, that is always consciously transforming something inferior to something superior. Taking something up to the Being within us.

This teaching is fabulous as it gives added meaning and clear didactic purpose and action to one's life. I like it a lot!

End (2897).

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