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Sunday 24 February 2019

Concentration: Types of Concentration - (2908)

Read Time: 1 minute 45 seconds


There are several types of concentration. There is a life concentration and the technical concentration of the mind.

There is also dual concentration and then non-dual concentration, and there maybe some other types but these four types will suffice for now.

Mind and Life

We can learn how to concentrate our mind on something like a pin head for example. And we may be able to concentrate our attention on it for a decent length of time. That is good, but we may not be able to concentrate our life. We may be so distracted in our life that we don't regularly practice and so even though we can concentrate our mind we do not get anywhere in life or in the path.

We may be able to concentrate our life but not be able to concentrate our mind on something for long. We can still arrive at results in our life and path. But if we combine both we go far and quickly.

Dual and Non-Dual

Usually we concentrate on something so there is us - the person concentrating their mind and then there is the object of concentration - the thing we are concentrating on. This is dual concentration - two things: object and subject.

There is no-dual concentration where we actually become what we are concentrating on. This happens becasue our concentration actually transfers our free essence into the thing. Then as the essence is about 'knowing' and 'being' we become the thing, and we know we are that. We are one.

Concentrating on fire and water and our inner Divinity are marvelous to develop this non-dual type of concentration.

End (2908).

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