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Monday 25 March 2019

All that We Feel from Others that Hurts we Have Inflicted Onto Others - (2969)

More and More True

I am coming to know more and more how true a statement the above is.

All the negative emotions that we have in our relationships or dealings with others felt and been bothered by, we have also in the past inflicted upon others. What's more is that if we remain ignorant of that we perpetuate the cycle - hurting and being hurt. But if we radically work on the ego that hurts and feels hurt, the cycle ends.


This cycle exists because the ego - usually pride that hurt others by making them feel inadequate for example, stays in our psychology and becasue it is there, it will at the right time in the future just turn on ourselves (going against ourselves). Where we will feel inadequate or inferior in front of someone or a group of people even if they are not really provoking that.


The key then is to understand that if we did not have that aspect of pride that makes others feel inadequate, we will not feel inadequate. They both depend upon each other.

Interesting Particular Person to Person Karma

We may get along with others so well and never feel any inferior emotions, but with others we feel very unnerving inferior emotions all the time. This is because there is a lot of karma involved with that particular person. In other words, in the past we have hurt that person and now it is time for us to receive what we have given. We may even see that others get along really well with the same person, but when it comes to us it is a different story - much to pay!

End (2969).

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