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Sunday 24 March 2019

Big Obstacle to Concentration is the Sense of Self - (2964)

Whenever I am concentrating on something the thing I always feel is the yearning to be one with the thing I am concentrating on.

When we are one with the thing we are concentrating one we have very good concentration, no battles, no more mind straying, no duality etc.

The ego becomes totally powerful when it gets our concentration, which we give to it when we identify with it. When we identify with it we become one with it. We are it. "I am angry (I am anger)", "I am upset at you (I am resentment)". etc.

So then real concentration is when we become one and to do that we have to drop the sense of self we have.

From keeping the self we keep the source of discursive thought and distraction. In effect we are always distracted. Remember the consciousness does not have an "I" or a sense of self.

The sense of self that we feel is a false. Just examine what you find to be your sense of self and see how weird a flavour it is. Could our consciousness which it is something divine and cosmic have such a weird flavour?

In conclusion, then we have to practice and practice getting good at stopping the sense of self so as to be able to concentrate.

End (2964).

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