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Tuesday 19 March 2019

Do you See Me? or the Image/Concept of Me? - (2949)

We don't really see people. We only see the image or the concept or the belief that we have of them.

We all have everyone inside of our head. Of course not literally but in the form of a concept, an image, a belief etc.

It is this concept, image and or belief that we get angry at, feel hurt by, get upset at etc.

This image or concept or belief is not the person, it is ourselves, it is our own creation. We get upset at ourselves - holy guacamole hey!

Yummy for the Tummy
I assure you if you remove this image, concept, belief, expectation etc. that we have of the other person in our mind then all will change.

Just remove it and see what happens in you!

End (2949).

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