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Wednesday 13 March 2019

Hits for Free - (2936)

I think we can all cope with people who may hit our personality when there is just reason for it. That is, we did or said something that was inconvenient or out of place. 

What pride has so much difficulty with, is when we are hit for 'free'. And certainly there are people around that like to hit for free. Obviously the "I" of pride will not like these people and will harbour some resentment towards them. But we may not know that our "I" of pride is upset at this characteristic of the person.

Why resentment? Because a psychological debt has been created and that debt has not been transformed within us yet. We still feel unfairly treated by that person. Remember though, what each person considers fair is relative and we all have our own standards and views of what 'fair' is. 

Anyway, back to that type of person. When we know why such and such a person bothers our pride so much, we can start to transform things and enjoy life again.

Certainly it is worth looking into that feature of being delivered 'hits for free'. Such a feature can really upset the "I's" of pride. Pride says: "what right do they have", 'how unfair", "how nasty", 'that is not done around here", "lack of respect", "I bet they would not like that being done to them" "Who do they think they are?" etc.

We have to be able to transform everything...If not we are not complete we are not individuals, we depend on others to compensate ourselves, where we can do that for ourselves.

End (2936).

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