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Monday 4 March 2019

The Compensation the Other Seeks is Not Personal to You - (2924)

When someone recriminates you and intends to extract an apology from you it is not personal to you.

Well it is a touch, in the sense that they jumping on your back (your back not anyone else's) but it is not really personal. Read on to understand why.

It is their pride working, and they simply have chosen to go with their pride and lend their services to pride so as to get what pride wants. They created their pride many existences ago and the function of pride is always to extract an apology and to seek compensation for having been lowered.

Pride will do this with anyone. It is not really about you, it is about pride getting compensation for its own purposes to get even, to see itself back on top, to know that we are still good, to feel good about itself etc. ...

Pride even waits for a long time for the right moment and context to bring up the issue and extract its apology or revenge...

Pride can not stay in a state of unbalance it must balance itself by being on top once again, it can't stand being in a state of having been hit without hitting back...

Pride hits back with the same value that it was hit with. 

People with their pride don't really hit us as a person, they don't know us in ourselves, they don't know our essence or Being, they only know our physical personality or our actions or words and it is just these things that they are hitting to get their pride back to its balanced (biased balance), satisfied, justified, state.

Many times we did not mean what we said or it came out in an awkward way but they hit back, they don't know us really... nor can they actually ever...especially not when their pride is reacting.

End (2924).

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