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Monday 4 March 2019

Utopia of Pride - "Beyond Reproach" - (2920)

Bliss of Pride

The bliss of pride is to be beyond reproach, beyond limits, beyond the law...

I think everyone who has pride or had pride can resonate with this.

Master Samael says that the "worst enemy of pride is justice".

Identified with pride we wish to be in a state where no one will say no, nor will any one reproach us, or recriminate us, limit us, apply justice to us, love us unconditionally etc.


The tyrants and the dictators have a most enormous pride and they have created the circumstances and situations where their pride can be in 'heaven". The thing is though while their pride is 'in heaven' they create hell for others. 

Our pride is like that too. We we get hurt or upset when justice is applied to us. We think that we should be granted a concession to justice. Pride often thinks that just because of us we should be granted a concession.

That is the danger of occupying a position of relative power, importance or authority, it is so easy that that pride builds up in us without us knowing and then we are living in this utopia that comes crashing down hard one day if we make mistakes etc.


A remedy is actually to start to get use to applying justice to ourselves. Then we first of all won't get ourselves into such situations where justice is applied and eventually we will agree with the justice that others apply, if it indeed is just. 

The problem is that we have a sense of justice that is based on our point of view, so we then may not agree with the justice applied to us and we can often act unjustly towards others. But if we see both sides we can get a good glimpse of the realer justice. 

To be able to see justice, think, feel and act according to it, totally sends pride into the background.

End (2920).

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