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Monday 4 March 2019

Worse After Mystical Death Practice? - (2922)

Has this happened to you before?

You do a practice on mystical death by yourself or you lead a practice on mystical death, and you feel worse or another person comes up to you and gives you an ear bashing.

It happens...

What is more important though, is to know why it happens.

It happens because we didn't practice very well. We got identified with the ego. We obviously didn't comprehend anything, we actually did the opposite we fell more into it. 

The least that we can do in a mystical death practice is to separate from the ego and remain separated from it, even if we don't comprehend anything new!

Remaining separate from it actually creates the space in which creative comprehension can appear in us! So we have to fight like crazy to not identify!!!

End (2922).


  1. What the hell is a mystical death practice? How can one do a 'mystical death practice' and feel worse afterwards? Does the fool not know what mystical death is? How can he think that he is doing a 'mystical death practice' and end up identifying with the ego? Does he not know the difference between observing, comprehending or identifying with an ego?

    What is this nonsense about 'leading a mystical death practice'? Yes, a group of people may gather and meditate. But how can someone lead you to comprehend your own defects?

    Listen. A gnostic surrounded by gnostics progresses slow. It is in his best interest that he surrounds himself with 'non-gnostics'. Instructors are okay but a gnostic must not rely on instructors. A gnostic must only rely on his Mother-Father.

    We must be fanatics of mystical death. As said by Master Samael, a touch of insanity is required for the dissolution of the ego.

    1. Thanks for that, upon reflection you are very right there! True true. It wasn't a mystical death practice at all then was it - failed attempt. Thanks again it definitely made me think and revise somethings.

    2. You are most welcome. Thank you for reflecting on what I said.
