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Friday 5 April 2019

Dealing with Sarcastic Comments - (2987)

Sarcastic comments can cause some disturbances in our psychology, in the way of activating pride and anger and producing a nasty reaction or an inner explosion.

Being alert an hour ago while receiving some sarcastic comments directed my way, I discovered what causes the reaction in us. We react because we take the comments relative to our perception of the person's psychology. That is, in simple terms we see that they have something against us and we react to that. That is, answer relative to our perception of the person. We think they dislike us so we dislike them - the usual mechanical "hit back".

Being aware, we can choose from which background we will generate our response to the comments from. 

The best background our essence tells us is to see the comments in ourselves, relative to what we think about the general comment, forgetting about the person. Then we don't react. We can also go to the grounds of philosophy which is something neutral and then generate our response. Which often has the effect of disarming the other person.

If we are in the remembering of the Being we wont react. Because we will automatically be taking everything from within ourselves - from within the grounds of the essence. 

End (2987).

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