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Thursday 25 April 2019

Develop Your Imagination - (3006)


We can benefit so much from having a well developed imagination.

It helps us with our mystical practices and psychological practices. You don't know how much until you really develop your imagination more.

Mystical Work

You know the reason why so many of our mystical practices fizzle is because we lack concentration and imagination.

Imagination like concentration is an ability that we accumulate.

Our physical vision is really pale compared to the richness and clarity that we can develop our imagination to. In other words our imagination can be realer to us than what we see with our own eyes.

This is a rather large mug just in case you were wondering.
Photo taken at the Country Place, Dandenongs, Vic. (Easter Retreat venue display cabinets).

Psychological Work

With imagination we can construct the scene of any egoic manifestation and delve deep into the egoic state that we had, and extract some of the information about the ego under study that we lost the chance to capture during the manifestation.

Develop It

We develop our imagination by developing first of all the senses. Developing each sense one at a time.

So for the visual sense we start by looking at something and then recreating the image of the object in our imagination.

We have to practice and practice until we can hold it there for a few minutes. Then we can change the image as we please. Make the object fly, expand, contract, change colour and so on.

When we can do this for at least five minutes we have acquired a level of imagination that we can really do a proper mystical practice with.

Then we have to do the same with hearing, then touch, then smell and then taste. But not mixing seeing with any of the other senses. Imagine a sound with no image component, imagine a taste with no sound or image, imagine a tactile sensation with no image, sound or smell and imagine a taste with no smell, no image, no sound and no touch.

Then when we have developed all of these imaginations of the senses we can combine then all together and really we can be somewhere within ourselves and believe me our mystical practices then improve to a level you had not ever experienced before.

End (3006).

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