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Monday 1 April 2019

Repentance as the Deliverance to Elimination - (2982)

Before repentance is comprehension.

Repentance is an octave of comprehension - a deeper state of comprehension.

Repentance is the deep understanding of the error of an ego and of the ego as a whole. The latter kind of repentance is much deeper and encompassing.

In repentance, one's comprehension permits one to understand deeply the role and function the ego plays. 

One also knows why this ego plays this role, and how it is come over the years to play this role and fulfil its function.

With repentance one begins to see the ego as having little value, and what is of a more vital and greater value is the essence and the Inner Divinity.

For example, with the ego of self-love one always values receiving love. But with repentance one has come to understand that this is an huge unbalance (an error) and that the real love for oneself is the one that by giving receives and by giving enhances the essence within one as well as the essence in the other. One values this love more than anything other kind of love and one wants this love and this love does not produce pain.

In repentance one is very tired of the pain of the ego and no longer wants it and that alone makes the person to operate in life without that ego, using the essence and its qualities instead.

One in repentance can feel very sorry for the harm that the ego has done and the debts it has incurred, especially if that ego has done some rough things to others and oneself or one's interior Divinity.

Repentance is a power that opens one up totally to paying the karma associated with that ego. One is so willing with strong will and love in the heart to take responsibility for the errors done and to pay the karma.

Repentance as a final sum makes the ego dead to ourselves. We have made it redundant and we have exiled it out of our life and we have paid our dues. 

Then it is so logical that the next step is elimination. Which occurs very quickly because the Divine  Mother is so energised and fully equipped and authorised by the Divine Law to eliminate that ego.

With repentance we deliver the ego into the hands of the divine Mother as harmless child. 

End (2982).

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