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Wednesday 24 April 2019

Vision of God - (3001)

Do you know the vision of God that you have?

Your own vision of God is actually something important you know. 

You really must know it, and know it in depth...

Real Value

It actually has a real value. To repeat, the vision of God that you carry inside of you has a real value.

Why you may ask. It is because this value creates a perspective (certain outlook) within you. This perspective then has a large influence in the way you take and respond to the events of life.

Your own vision of God sits as a backdrop in your psyche, forming a support upon which many psychological processes unfold.

Your vision of God influences your thoughts, your emotions and your actions.

Many Visions of God

There are really many visions of God. Actually there are as many different visions of God as there are people.

There are vast and infinite visions, there are narrower and more human visions, there are low visions and there visions of nothing.

There are visions tinged with pain and bitterness even hatred, and there are visions filled with awe, veneration and love.

Religion and the Vision of God

"A religion is only as great as its vision of God..."

Gnosis has an infinitely vast and ample vision of God. One that can never be embraced fully but one that will always leave one in total awe. Therefore the appreciation, veneration, love will never expire in the essence...

Vision Determines Feeling

Sometimes students say they feel nothing at all towards their Divinity (Real Being). This "not feeling anything" has a lot to do with their particular vision...

I asked a person living on the street once about God and he replied "#$%^ God, He never did anything for me, why should I @#%& care". 

Really though, as m.m.m commented, this man living on the street really loves God, but his love that he once felt for God has inverted into hatred, and before the Absolute - the Great Oneness which is beyond relativity and duality, this hatred is the same as love.

If your vision of God is that He is a servant to you, well then you will always be proud and bitter and never in awe. You will never humble yourself in awe before God and neither will you happily work to serve God.

A God that is infinite, vast and powerful and one that we are all within, is getting closer to the appropriate vision, one that Gnosis itself supports. As this makes God infinite yet there is still much possibility that the human being can approach this mystery with more and more acquaintance - step by step.

End (3001).

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