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Tuesday 28 May 2019

A Fist Fight in the Street - (3045)

It is really unpleasant to see two men fighting. Fists flying, clothes tearing, underwear embarrassingly showing, sounds of a body or bodies crashing on the hard pavement, screaming insults and threats, broken glass, onlookers gasping, heart pumping, shaky nerves, fear in the air, the high emotions of distress and aggravation of friends and family to the two persons fighting... 

Others trying to remain calm trying to be supernatural - but shaking inside...

So rare it is to find someone who is not a seasoned rioter, or jail bird, that feels totally calm before such a scene and its impressions...

I saw something like this once being a good distance away in a running car waiting at the lights and I was full of nerves.

It just seems all bad right? Also a very difficult set of impressions to deal with, impressions that carry with them a lot of energy.

In Russia - a traditional type of fist fight.
This shaking, this fear, this emotion indicates, that we, if we wish, have before us some interesting material to review.

In other words we can if we wish put our consciousness into action and transform what we saw. You know it is better to do this because otherwise we will end up creating a lot of new fear.

It is not all bad, there are really moments of freedom there. Even the bad guy in the scene may end up getting what is due to him. A fight is a karmic vehicle used to pay retribution or create a karmic cheque for future retribution. 

I say moments of freedom, because the one being attacked has the full freedom to function so to defend the temple of his Monad from harm. In such a moment all of one's physical vital, emotional, mental and causal forces concentrate and heighten, one's strength and wit peaks and in freedom one can act.

There is good and bad in everything, in a fight there is always a cause, a reason, a something to be fought for. A person fighting is putting all on the line for a cause, even if this cause be something silly. But a cause none the less important to him. 

May as they waged in the medieval times of chivalry, may the one who is noble and just be victorious. You know before a fight begins it is in the hands of the two people, once it has started it is the hands of the Law.

Seeing the duality in everything helps neutralise things. This is the first step to transform any impression.

End (3045).

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