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Thursday 30 May 2019

For the Ego No One Is Special - (3052)

This is something quite true but hard to come to terms with. But if we do, that is understand this well it is really freeing and wonderful!

The ego in ourselves and in people gets upset, annoyed, angry, resentful, lustful, jealous etc. at anyone no matter who we are. This is because it reacts/manifests based on impressions and based on its interpretations of the impressions.

That is why we think: "I am your good friend, don't yell at me" but we get yelled at all the same and feel really hurt. We even think "if I was the neighbour they would not yell at me and I have done more for them than the stupid neighbour".

So we can start to see that we are not special for the ego, for the essence yes, but not for the ego. Even I would rather stay on the side of being an essence than being special.

We get quite upset because we feel that we are beyond being yelled at, and should not be yelled at. The truth is that when the ego occupies all of the mind, it no longer sees people it just sees its interests. So we have to adjust our thinking and understand that when another person's ego occupies their mind fully they will not see us anymore, they will only see their need to defend or attack or desire etc. This can happen even in an instant too you know.

When they do see us, things are different. In fact, many times after being yelled at, the person who yelled, repents, because their essence realises that they did something not befitting the kind of relationship that they have with the person that they yelled at - such as a friend.

So a key here for us is to always keep in mind our relationship with others. This acts as a brake to not allow the ego to fully take our mind.

End (3052).

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