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Tuesday 21 May 2019

If there's Energy there's a Change - (3030)

One of the main functions of energy in us, is to bring about a change.

We know a current of energy is flowing inside of ourselves when we feel a change.

First we change inside then outside of ourselves.

Even a change in attitude means that some kind of energy has moved through our psyche.

The most valuable currents of energy are the ones that order and align our psyche consciously and positively. 

That is why it is so important to transmute, because with our transmutation we give ourselves energy that flows through us and changes things inside of ourselves.

This is really important if we are in a low state - moving some energy helps us lots and lots!!! Transmutation - HAM-SAH, Runes, concentration, mantras, Lamasery exercises - all help a great deal.

End (3030).

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