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Friday 31 May 2019

Imagination to Put Ourselves in the Shoes of Others - (3054)

Lost without Imagination

I think that without imagination we would be so lost.

The faculty of imagination allows us to put ourselves into the shoes of others and therefore change our self-centred reference point and see things from a wider perspective.

Always try and seek the wider perspective of any issue. The very narrow, focused, tunnel vision view of any event or issue is one that leads easily to suffering. Imagination helps us to see the wider view.

Seek the Wider View - Always Helps

The faculty of imagination allows us to do this, to see the wider view and perspective on things, especially about ourselves. 

If ever in any trouble please just check out the wider and greater view - a first port of call because this will really help you! And you can then go from there to seek a remedy or a solution.

End (3054).

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