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Thursday 23 May 2019

Judging - First Part of Ego Manifestation - (3036)

First Classify

Many "I's" function by first classifying or judging. As soon as a classification is made then the flood gates to egoic manifestation open.

If you are quick in your observations you will notice this.

The Egos Classify

Lust classifies what it sees and depending on the classification, the play button is pressed on one or another mechanical roll out of psychological processes and actions. Which could include anything from disinterest to interest etc.

Pride does exactly the same, it judges and classifies what is said or done and based on the judgement: "against me or for me " it begins to roll out its centuries old pre-programmed mechanical reactions.

All the egos do this in their particular way.

How Knowing this Helps

Knowing this we can stop the judgement process and then stop any further egoic manifestations from rolling out.

Not Easy - So Start Small and Work Your Way Up

It is not easy - so we have to start with the light things and keep going until more and more of our essence and even subconscious is convinced that judging is the trigger and cause of our troubles.

If we have trouble understanding this, we can reflect on this and come to understand that there is good and bad in everything. If we are insulted for example, that is not all bad at all. There is some good in it. This applies to everything else. Even if we judge something as good there is something bad in it. So if we can not be so quick to allow the mechanical egoic judgement to occur we can apply this key a lot more effectively and in a way that is really beneficial to us.

End (3036).

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