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Monday 13 May 2019

Modus Operandi of Trust - (3017)

To develop trust and therefore be benefitted by its power we need to know its Modus Operandi.

The way trust works is by transferrance.

When we apply trust we transfer belief, intention, will, good-will to something.

That something which we apply trust to is always something of a superior quality.

Trust is really transferring will to that superior power. When we transfer our will into something we connect to it and we drive our focus and energy into it.

Then that superior value receiving our focus and energy returns its help to us.

The superior value is our essence, the Being, a quality of our essence, the work,
a master.

When we wish to apply trust we must choose the appropriate superior value.

Trust remedies fear, anxiety, apprehension, worry, uncertainty and issues concerning the future and the unknown.

End (3017).

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