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Thursday 23 May 2019

We are Multi-Levelled - (3032)

We have many levels within us - within our inner constitution, that is. We are a complete tree of life with all the dimensions or levels.

Each level is a plane where certain processes occur. These processes cascade down from one level to another taking on different qualities. 

Our life actually is unfolding on each of these planes. They all overlap and they are separated only by time. Where time is really the duration of one process moving down or up to the next plane within us.

Our inner mind is the one that can perceive some of these processes occurring in our inner planes. 

Even our three minds: sensory, intermediate and inner are three different levels. Our sensory mind is in charge of guiding our physical processes.

These processes are usually to do with our spiritual learning, our spiritual life, the unfolding of inner development, and how we act and respond to physical events here in our physical life etc.

At any one time deep within us certain unfolding and even actions are taking place within us and we can perceive those workings. So then we can know a bit of our physical future. Because as always things deep within us function so to come to physical manifestation one day.

We are really just a multi-level house where the real master (Inner Real Being) of the house processes things certain developments according to its will, needs, work and missions.

Obviously the processes of the various egos takes place within our own abyss. There the egos strengthen, feed and even grow and multiply - scary hey!

End (3032).

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