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Wednesday 29 May 2019

We Harm Ourselves with Pleasure Too - (3050)

I am trying to flatten my stomach and two little chocies is ok but three or four is where a unusual flavour creeps into the human machine. One knows that two is enough but the ego of gluttony wishes to devour more all for the pleasure of it.

When we are identified with this ego of gluttony we feel that we can’t let that pleasure go, like that pleasure will leave us and never come back. Or that the chance to enjoy those nice choices will not come back (this type of gluttony comes from having experienced the other side - a lack of food etc. so now when there is food one has to takes advantage).

Love those little Hershey bars from the U.S.A

The truth of the matter is that the pleasure will certainly come back and that pleasure is actually beginning to harm us. Yes pleasure harms us. In excess, or past a certain line pleasure turns against us and harms us. When it goes over that line it becomes our master and then we are in deep and treacherous waters. 

End (3050).

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