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Friday 21 June 2019

Balance is Unity - Karma Is to Unity - (3095)

Everything has a function or role to play contributing to the maintained harmony of the whole.

Remove one thing from the whole and the whole and the parts within the whole suffer. 

Nature is a marvellous example of this. Remove the vultures then the number of animal and human carcasses pile up, the number of wild dogs increase, the water ways become more polluted and blocked, and disease spreads as the increasing number of animals feeding on the carcasses increasingly impact upon the human population.

Therefore balance is about knowing what each part does and how it links in with other parts and how it contributes to the harmony or health of the whole.

Karma is exactly that and so many other things. If you hit someone, soon you are hit back. Karma fulfilled - karmic debt paid. This teaches us that to hit another is to hit yourself, further telling us that we are one, that we are part of a unity, where what we do affects others which because we part of a unity it then comes back to affect us.

Karma is really balance - which is unity. To be balanced we also have to take into account each part in the whole. Selfishness is really a big enemy when it comes to balance and unity.

End (3095).

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