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Wednesday 5 June 2019

Day Just Slips Bye - (3062)

Seize the Day

"Seize the day" they say! Ceasing the day does feel better when we are wanting to take advantage of time. Sometimes we really need to make the most of our time and at other times we need to trust, let go and flow on and not worry about time but enjoy the moments. 

This idea of this post is to give an idea of how to help cease the day.

Five Minutes to the Hour

We have to start the day telling ourselves that even though I really want to work on myself and progress the mystical death death, I actually need to do it. So I have to be a bit tough on myself!

We all have phones which have alarms and timers on them. So, if we start by setting an alarm at five minutes to the hour every second hour. When the alarm goes off we can stop the alarm and go inside and then work mystically, psychologically as we prefer.

Of course if this goes well we can build it up, making the frequency more frequency and the duration longer. For example ten minutes to the hour every hour.


To seize the day we have no other remedy than to be tough on ourselves.

End (3062).

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