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Friday 7 June 2019

Die In "One Thing At a Time"- (3064)

To do just one thing at a time requires death. Mystical death that is.

To do just one thing at a time all day with all of our attention consciously placed on what we are doing is not easy.

We face the obstacle of  'the more', and the obstacle of the false internally talking person.

The real person is the essence which is mostly silent and can manage conscious attention.

The false talking person always wants to be more by thinking or talking a lot in our mind. It wants to do 'more' things than what we are currently doing.

It feels it must be more than a simple physical body placing conscious attention onto something very human and even trivial.

If we can defeat the false talking person inside of us and just be doing what we are doing we are really relaxed and humble. Plus we are close to reality, more conscious and we are dying.

End (3064).

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