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Sunday 23 June 2019

Mental Clutter Sources - (3099)


Here are some sources that I have noticed in myself that bring about lots of mental noise and clutter.

By the way, it feels so good to start to clear out our mental clutter.

All our possessions actually contribute to mental clutter, especially those that require maintenance (updating) such as electronics etc. I think what is even stronger a contributor to mental clutter in us is our desire to use these devices.

Desires contribute to much mental noise and clutter. Desires of any kind. Desires make the mind work so to get the mind to work out a way to fulfil them or if they can not be fulfilled just think and think about them trying that we are given a compensation for them not being able to be fulfilled.

Relationships are pretty terrible they clutter up our mind big time.

The psychological wounds of the past are a big mental clutter contributor.

Fears of of course about the future are another major contributor.

Emails are another mental clutter. Social media is another one. 

Room, Garage, House and Life Declutter

Decluttering your room then your garage and then your house - reducing things down to what you actually use is really good! 

Just a tip there, advertising things for free on gumtree is great. Put the things in a box and leave it out the front door. Wait for the inquiries, respond, then the things in a box all gone the very same day. Beauty mate!

You know something, an organised mind should reflect outwards into its surroundings!

An organised mind is a step to becoming a peaceful and relaxed mind.

Here is something from m.m.m, he says you first put your attention on your mind, then you organise it, then you relax it and then silence arrives. He is right there.

End (3099).

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