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Wednesday 26 June 2019

Political Stingray, Religion and Spirituality - (3101)

Ray of Politics

As you may know there is a ray of Politics we are told by Master Samael. It is also said that the immortal masters Count Saint Germain and Cogliostro belong to that ray.

Like every other cosmic ray, this ray - the ray of politics must have a legitimate function in life, nature and the cosmos, and certainly it does. 

If we observe carefully we can see that it is everywhere. Even in religion. As soon as there are human beings or any group of sentient beings, the ray of politics makes an entrance.

Watching nature documentaries we can see that many animals have a kind of working political system. Such as the lions, the wolves, many types of monkeys, all with their tribes, leaders, and older authority figures etc. etc.

Master Samael wrote a book called the Social Christ, indicating that the Cosmic Christ has a social and therefore political quality or role.

A Definition

So lets produce a definition of the ray of politics. It is a dynamic force, an organising force that acts to produce movement among human beings. 

It can be a revolutionary force that moves thousands of human beings for good or for bad. A tricky note, here is that the apparent bad sometimes, as history shows us ends being a good thing later, sometimes much later on. But sometimes not, making it difficult to judge, until times reveals the final result.

The ray of politics naturally as it moves within human beings in our current state of development, has to do with structure, hierarchy, power, governing, ruling, wining the minds and hearts of people so to rally their support, factions and sides. 

It has to do with magnetic charisma, knowing the needs and wants of the people, strategy on how to move people to a final aim, fights for justice... in short it can do so much good to improve the conditions that people live under. It has the power to raise a nation from dispair to wealth and health but with the same hand it can bury a nation into misery and poverty. 

The ray of politics is one that handles power, the power loaned from people and nature and the Divine Law. Obviously these two rays Law and Politics work hand in hand. The Divine Law gives the support and the ray of Politics uses the power to move and drive change up or down.

Actually in politics, where there is no change, something extraordinary is going on...

Religion and Politics

Because religion is so important for people and holds a real influence, politics enters into religion. In fact, in places on the globe there are leaders that are religious and political at the time. They are a religious figure but they govern to influence over human life issues in the running of the country or state. 

It was said in ancient Egypt that the pharaohs were actually great initiates and represented the Divine Law through their decisions. 

Often the entrance of politics into religion is seen as a corrupting force. This is because the many "I's" in the people that take power, deviate and corrupt the action of just decisions and rulings and break the balance.  

As an example, the pope and the Dalai Lama are principally religious leaders though they have a political component to their function. Obviously it is limited, because the governments are all scared of the power that a religious leader has to move people. 

Politics in Spirituality 

If there are human beings there must be a kind of politics in place. How much, how little all depends on the particular organisation. However, there must be a kind of structure and if there is a structure there is politics. The politics in place can be very useful and helpful to all, politics is not a bad thing, it is the force that moves through the structure which channels things in a way that produces harmonious actions and results.

A wise or aware political system is one that is alert to cause and effect and modifies itself in accordance with the effects that are produced by its means of acting through its methods or procedures. 

In that way a political system is a conscious body that constantly improves and adapts itself When it becomes fixed there is likely to be lots of trouble. Because life is a dynamic force and things are always changing.

End (3101).

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