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Sunday 9 June 2019

That of Being Hermetic - (3068)


In Gnosis we encounter the words Hermetic, Hermetic seal, Hermes and Hermes Trismegistus.

The first two terms: hermetic and hermetically sealed are terms that we encounter often. The word silence is always attached to these two terms.

This is because the Great Master Hermes Trismegistus, also known as the Thrice Great God of Thoth who was the Egyptian God of magic, writing and wisdom was associated with being the first one to make a totally sealed glass vessel. Hence the esoteric and conventional scientific term hermetic seal and hermetically sealed. 

Hermes was the Greek God of Mercury, which was also the God of commerce, intellect and was also a messenger of the Gods. The Master Hermes Trismegistus Master Samael says, is intimately related to the planet Mercury.

In the Physical, Psychological and Alchemical Senses

The term hermetic has a physical, alchemical and psychological relevance or sphere.

In the physical sense it is related to keeping silent. In the Alchemical sense it is not loosing the sexual energy and in the psychological sense it is related to keeping our internal tongue (internal chatter in our mind) quiet.

In these three cases, the Alchemical sense allows our Alchemical work to progress, the psychological sense allows the awakening of the consciousness and the dissolution of ego to progress and the physical sense allows the esoteric group to become coherent, ordered and progress in trust and as dynamic unit. 

The Hermetic seal is actually a magical principle and fundamentally important magical principle. In the next section I'll explain why it is so important.

A Magical Principle

It is indeed a magical principle and this really is very helpful to understand.

As soon as we create a hermetic seal we create something. We create a magical chamber or a magical environment in which something can develop. It is very much as if we are to create an egg. Where we know the creation of life gestates and develops. If that egg or magical environment is broken what is developing within it dies.

The Cosmic egg or just the archetype of an egg is the primordial expression of the Hermetic seal, therefore it is a very primordial fundamental principle for the creation of anything.

If we lose the sexual energy we can can not create anything within ourselves using our transmutation. If we do not silence our internal chatter we waste so much psychic energy such that we can not awaken and if we speak about everything that we experience we dissipate the very powerful effects that such a mystical experience is to have on our interior.

The Hermetic seal of keeping silent allows our mystical experiences to take their maximum effect upon us. It makes sense to be silent and once the experience has effected it maximum transformation on us and no more transformation can come about we can speak helping others.  

End (3068).

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