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Sunday 2 June 2019

Transmutation Transfers Energy to the Higher Centres and Transforms it - (3057)

When a person feels some kind of sexual desire transmutation takes that desire which is a kind of energy up from the sexual centre into the brain and into the heart. When this energy of desire makes contact with these higher centres it takes on a different quality. In other words it gets transformed. 

It gets transformed into something more human and upright and even spiritual. Because these higher centres within us have different qualities.

The situation gets difficult when we leave the energy of desire in the sexual centre. This causes the sexual centre to try and deal with the desire by thinking for itself and by-itself (lust intervenes making it all worse). Which is something that the sexual centre is not designed to do. It is an engine that is driven by knowledge. A superior knowledge drives the energy of sexual centre to superior purposes and destinations. 

End (3057).

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