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Monday 1 July 2019

A Busy Day Can Be a Conscious Day - (3107)

Normally we think that to be conscious we need to be at home, quiet, taking care, meditating, being aware etc.

If we do one thing at a time and approach everything that we do as act of concentration we can live out a conscious day.

If we place our attention consciously and naturally onto what we are doing we end up dividing our attention which is to awaken. We end up dividing our attention between what we are doing and our consciousness, Doing this as naturally as possible and in a relaxed way we can live out a very conscious day.

Such a day is peaceful, relaxed, ordered and fulfilling.

Plus one strengthens one's will and one's command over one's attention. One also helps oneself to get command over one's attention in all circumstances of life not just at home in our protected bubble.

End (3107).

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