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Tuesday 30 July 2019

Are You Precious? - (3143)

Someone at work said something like "if you have any questions stop and ask me I am not precious".

This made me think...

We can actually like to consider ourselves precious. In ordinary thinking, precious means, not to be: contradicted, treated harshly, shouted at, disrespected etc. It means to be treated as special, if we are not precious it is like we are not anything - boring, bland, just another someone that goes unnoticed in life and becomes food for worms.

If we, while examining all these concepts remember our essence and beyond our essence - our Inner Being, we see that these concepts and interpretations are not true or real.

We can then some to a conclusion for our own selves. For me the conclusion is, that we are neither precious or ordinary, we are the essence and our mind or personality has added this false quality (sustained by a concept) into psychology.   

Remember you are the essence, not precious, not delicate, not terrific, not tremendous, not anything - you are the essence.

End (3143).

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