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Saturday 13 July 2019

Hail to the Ray of Medicine - (3109)

The ray of medicine has much to do with some other rays, such as life, death, law and science.

All the rays have a little bit of the other rays within them.

The ray of medicine is a legitimate cosmic function emanated from the Absolute. Wherever there is life there is death and there is the need for repair or maintenance - therefore arises the need for  medicine. Which is significantly about repair and remedy.

Perhaps the Absolute anticipated that maintenance and repair would be needed in creation. But the ray of medicine is more than just that. It is the study of life, the study of the mysteries of life. It is even a study of the balance in life. It is the pure science of life. And if there is life there is also death, so it is also the study of the science of death. Many times, medicine works to ward off death when it is allowed by the Divine Law.

In the human sphere of medicine, all those who work in that field such as doctors, nurses, all the hospital and clinic workers do an amazing job. They are really great. They can instil much hope and with their knowledge they can turn around a dire situation to one with a bright future. 

These guys are real heroes! People that save lives. I still don’t know how we can call someone a hero who kicks, throws or hits a ball and gets millions for that.

Medicine is also very sacred, as ultimately it draws upon the pure forces of the source of life, which are all sacred.

If medicine here on Earth is limited it is because it lacks knowledge, especially knowledge of an esoteric type.

The ultimate gift of the philosopher's stone is the universal medicine if the Real Being of the individual who possesses it, decides to take up this gift.

End (3109).

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