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Wednesday 3 July 2019

Oil, No Oil Just Do It - Key of Practical Action! - (3114)

Frying sausages and as the heat of the frying pan increases, the fat in the sausages leak out providing enough oil to fry them in. Then I hear: "put some oil into the pan as the frying pan will suffer." I say there is plenty of oil”, then the statement before is repeated more vehemently.

But how can the pan suffer one thinks? Pride can get very stubborn and rebellious and dig in its heels. Pride is mostly like a rebellion, when it thinks it is right.

In the very practical sense of things, forgetting about who is right or wrong,  isn't it just so much easier to go and grab the oil bottle and apply a little bit, taking ten seconds to do, then argue and feel bad for hours?

Even if the frying pan is not going to suffer. Just doing it, biting one's tongue ends so many potential wars.

Being practical and using our natural intelligence, we can thwart the ego in many fields using this plain technique. Just act in a practical way to solve the situation whether we are right or wrong. This is to not allow the mind and emotion to not interfere with the practical matters of life.

End (3114).

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