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Wednesday 17 July 2019

The "Be A Part Of" Strain - (3133)

The Feeling

There is now and again this feeling of wanting "to be a part of".

Feelings of "wanting to be a part of" a group, a relationship, a company, a social circle, the life of somebody, an event, an order, a dimension, a community, a club, the top echelon, the leaders etc. etc.

For sure there is a kind of lacking or a kind of yearning mixed in, in "wanting to be a part of" something.

Something Spiritual Actually

If we examine carefully each "wanting to be a part of" we will find behind it all something actually spiritual. That is really behind all these human "wanting to be part of" we find something that we lack in our essence to do with being, or there is something lacking in our relationship with our Inner Being.

Obviously, being a part of something has to do with 'being'. That is 'being' a part of, 'being' a member, 'being' an organ of a body and contributing to its functioning etc,

In each thing that we want to be 'a part of' there is a reason for that. Usually a very emotional reason, which usually has the flavour of accomplishment, attainment, acquirement, fulfilling, contentment etc.

The Work On

So then our work is to find out precisely what we lack in the spiritual sense which is driving these "want to be a part of" desires and then realise we can get them in our relationship with our Inner Being and then cultivate that value or quality in our relationship with our Inner Being.

I guarantee you if you do this well that "wanting to be a part of" feeling will go away, simple because that void is now filled. 

End (3133).

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