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Tuesday 9 July 2019

To Know How to Seek Refuge is a Treasure - (3121)

It is worth so very much to teach ourselves how to seek refuge within. 

When those difficult moments come it is also really worth while to remember what we taught ourselves about how to seek refuge. 

We usually find solace in refuge in a high place. On a mountain top, on a cliff overlooking the sea, up high in a tree like in a tree house, on top of a hill, in the attic etc. etc.

So refuge within is also on top of a high place. In our heart temple, in our highest emotions and in our highest thoughts about our highest part (our essence, ur inner Being).

When we need it, our heart is strong and we can concentrate and take refuge...

Just knowing and following the principle that refuge is always on high we take real refuge...

No matter how bloody awful you feel this principle will not let you down.

To go into our many caves (dark emotions and desires) there is no refuge. 

End (3121).

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