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Tuesday 30 July 2019

Why Humiliation Precedes Exaltation - (3141)

Answer is in the Tree

There is duality. Even in the tree of life. Of course in the tree of life. Duality is present everywhere in creation, and the tree of life is in creation. 

If you look at the tree of life diagram in any Gnostic centre you will see two trees. One tree reaching up towards the Absolute and one reaching downwards into the shadows.

The tree reaching downwards is the antitheses of the splendourous tree reaching upwards. You can literally draw a horizontal line through Malcuth and if you fold the tree of life diagram in half along that horizontal line the tree of light will meet perfectly with the tree of shadow.

In any negative quality in a human being has an opposite. This is true!

In any human being any defect has a place, a location on the tree of shadows that dwells within them.

Therefore, by duality, inside of any human being, any defect is related to a virtue on the tree of light.

The tree of light and the tree of shadows are linked together. They are mirror images.

So, if a person works on a defect, one automatically comes into contact with the virtue that is the opposite of it. So to ascend, that is to take up a position on the tree of light, one has to descend and make contact with the tree of shadows and transform that aspect of the tree of shadows. Then one will automatically rise to a place on the tree of light that corresponds to that virtue.

Every exaltation is preceded by a humiliation. 

End (3141).

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