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Thursday 15 August 2019

Anger Burst and the Instinctive Centre - (3168)

Instinctive Centre

Anger has a lot to do with the instinctive centre.

When a person is tired and hungry anger easily appears, and this has much to do with the instinctive centre.

Being tired and lacking food are ultimately all to do with the a lack of energy. Anger and a lack of energy go hand in hand.

We may come home late at night after a long and busy day's work and have spent the night giving a class and fielding questions, then when one is just about to retire - you hear your name being called to help fix a problem with the phone or the computer. You think why just now, why not ten minutes earlier, I'm pretty tired and have been working hard - give me a break etc. etc.

We are tired yet we get angry and are filled with energy...

We march down there and forcefully solve the situation... 

Certainly not all that good. Much could have been done better. 

Contradiction - Tired and Hungry - No Force Yet with Anger Full of Force

Such a contradiction - tired and no energy but within a few seconds we are angry and full of apparent strength. What is going on there?

One is that the instinctive centre works by supplying a large amount of energy in a  burst. It does not slow release energy. Because we are not trained in how to deal with a burst of energy we channel it against the other person or situation.

Second our mind perceived that we were lacking energy and that it thought that we should not be bothered - that we should be looked upon with some consideration. The outburst of anger shows us the body really has stores of energy that we do not perceive.

Third, when there is less energy, anger must appear in an untrained person, because anger comes to inject force into our system to solve the difficulty. 

As a general rule, when there is less energy there is anger. When a person loses the sexual energy such a person will inevitably fall into becoming very angry. Because of the lack of energy.

Third, the lesson to learn is to know how to fill ourselves up with energy. The virtues require energy to function. Patience for example is one of these virtues. When we inject energy into ourselves we feel less self-considering and therefore less angry. But most importantly to note, with energy in our system we can act with the virtues.  

Anger protects the interests of other egos. So if we know how to drop the interests of the other egos anger will disappear and if we know that it is false we are not really tired we have lots of energy in reserve. When we are truly really tired we certainly have no force to get angry.

The very deep instinctive relationship to anger is dissolved really int he second mountain in the labours of Hercules.

End (3168).

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