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Thursday 8 August 2019

Life Teaches Us What to do with the Four Elements We Have Within Us - (3158)


Before being physical the elements are spiritual then psychological. The elements are living principles.

We all relate in some way to the elements. Sometimes we don't know how to relate well with them. Not the elements that exist outside of ourselves but the elements that are in our body and psychology.

This post gives some pointers in this regard, i.e. how to better relate to them, by looking at how we relate to them in normal human life.


We see in life that fire is mainly controlled.

We see that fire is always dialed down or up. It is dialed up or down by controlling what it consumes. It is given less air or more air and it is given more coal or less coal.

Fire is used this way in cars, boats, planes, power stations, boilers, kitchens, refineries etc. 

Within us, life would teach us that we can benefit greatly by moderating our enthusiasms. This covers the expressions of our emotional and sexual energies.

Fire used without moderation is very destructive, just as is our emotional and sexual energy if used without moderation.


We see in life that air is mainly circulated.

We see this in air conditioning systems, fans, planes, helicopters, blowers of all sorts,

Within us our aerial elements if directed can be of great benefit to us. If they are not directed, i.e. our thoughts we become very flighty and end being neither here or there.


We see in life that water is mainly made to flow.

We see this in damns, aqueducts, sewerage, urban and country water supplies, etc.

Within us we see that as a whole our life flows from one moment tot eh next. It is never still. Also we have our raw sexual energy in our inner waters, and we, as life would teach us, to get good benefit from water, is to make that sexual energy flow to a place that where it will nourish us and supply life to us. This is transmutation.


We see in life that earth is mainly worked.

We see this in market gardens, building sites, parks, home gardens, etc.

Within us our earth has to be worked and trained. Which means to make something fruitful, our body - our earth must be disciplined or trained. A spiritual discipline pays handsomely to anyone who has one.


In life a common approach to the elements is to always contain them in some way. Which means for us that to contain the elements means to be aware of them and utilize them for our benefit. Just as in life the elements are contained to be later used for beneficial purposes.

End (3158).

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