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Monday 5 August 2019

Loving the Sexual Energy and Transmuting Takes You Closer to the Being - (3155)

People don't love their sexual energy...

The egos of lust and fornication don't really love a person's sexual energy...

Just because it brings people pleasure, does not mean they truly love it.

To love consciously the sexual energy is something quite different to loving the sexual energy because it brings pleasure.

People may wish to use their sexual energy, but for various reasons they find that they can not, and so they can become bitter towards their sexual energy. They turn bitter thinking that it is the fault of the sexual energy for giving them impulses or desires which they can not realise. It is not really the fault of the sexual energy (it is more the fault of a lack of knowledge).

This is not love, conscious love remains as love even if what we supposedly love, pleases us or doesn't please us. Conscious love is not dependent upon receiving, it remains and is present whether or not something that we desire is received or not.

People do not love their sexual energy because they have not been taught transmutation, and about their Inner Being.

Deep down people are confused by the sexual energy. When it accumulates they find that they have to do something about it, and often what they do, their essence deep down does not agree with, and in doing what they do, they loosen their connection to the radiating warmth and light of their essence. 

After a while they start to despise their sexual energy as they become snared by the passions that are a part of the vices that they created to deal with the sexual energy.

Applying Gnosis can teach a person that loving their sexual energy and transmuting it, will bring him/her closer to the Inner Divinity.

Whenever we need another person to love us in whatever direction (emotionally, sexually, intellectually, spiritually etc.) it is a sign that we are not radiating our love to our various parts and functions - which are also the inner parts of our Being. Why? Because that is really our own job - to take care of our parts and functions. it is not someone else's job is it?

What do people really want out of sexuality or sex? It seems that it is sensations but that is not really it. They want something more, something psychological - even something deeper than that i.e. psychological feelings or senses of power, gratification, satisfaction, being loved etc. But still that is not really it. They want something more profound. Yet they do not really know that that is what they are looking for. They think it is feelings or sensations which they want. All the while, their essence wants something else, and they are not aware of this.

People mostly don't even know that what they really want out of sex is something psychological then more profound - something spiritual. The spiritual feeling is what they really want. 

People unaware to themselves, look to sex to find an eternal love, a spiritual closeness, an eternal completeness, wholeness, a kind of healing, a happiness, etc. but in reality they only find it for fleeting moments - vanishing like smoke. But they are right, that in sex is to be found all of those things, but through the right means, the right means of not expelling the essence of sex - the sexual energy. They can find that which they deeply wish for - however it is their own Being that delivers these things through sex, not sex alone that delivers, but the Inner Being through sex. That is where they make the mistake. Alchemy is the development of the Inner Being through sex.

The sexual energy is sourced from our Third Logos - it flows from Him. Our sexual energy is like a messenger of our Inner Being sent to us in the form of energy.

To help ourselves we can cultivate love for our sexual energy. Everything right, in balance and in order will come out of that love.

End (3155).

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