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Sunday 4 August 2019

Self-Image Composition - (3153)

We all have an image of ourselves. We are mostly not aware of it, yet it most of the way we think and what we do and say.

So then the first step in relation to our self-image is to know it. Knowing it makes us conscious of it.

When we are conscious of it we can see it everywhere. The fantasies that we, have show up our self-image as well as show up what we truly lack.

What we truly lack makes our our reality, and knowing our reality is what is helps us and is whjat really counts.

When imagination and reality coincide we can be awake and there is consciousness. When imagination veers away from reality we fall asleep.

If we begin to construct our real self-image by looking at ourselves in the mirror of our facts, we can have something real and powerful to immediately contrast and counteract our false self-image from which many fantasies still come from.

If we have not built up our real self-image yet we do not really know oursleves too well yet and we are not very strong before our real self-image. That is, we easily fall into fantasy and arguments and blaming others.

End (3153).

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